Pinky in the Madives: even more adventures! Late December 2019

While in the Maldives with Anastasia, Pinky took part in an elf workshop where she decorated an eco-bag and a few Christmas ornaments. I'm sure that she enjoyed that very much! She also went to see a man feeding fishes in the sea. It must have been pretty impressive!

Here are the messages and the photos sent by Anastasia :

"Hi! :)
Today has been raining a lot but in the morning when it was sunny Pinky and I went a Christmas event - Elf Workshop! It took place in a bar next to our villa.
In the workshop we made some toys for Christmas tree and an eco bag! I’m not an artist but Pinky helped me and I think her work was amazing. Well, the bag turned out messy but my family supported our creativity! Pinky was happy to hear nice words. We also talked to the workers of the hotel and it brought us joy. The staff was so sweet! 
I didn’t take the picture of this side of the toy, but I drew a golden fish. I was asked what culture it was from and I decided I’d tell you as well. It makes wishes come true. It’s a character from a Russian fairy tail written by the the most famous writer in my country - Pushkin.
Once there was an old couple. They were very poor. One day the man went fishing and caught a unique fish - it was golden and could speak. “Let me go” it said “and I will make your wish come true!” He wished to have a new washtub. When he came back home and told his wife about what happened, she was very angry because he could’ve made them rich. So she sent the man to catch the fish again to ask for more. He did. And his wife wasn’t happy again. She wanted more. It happened again, again and again until she wished to be the queen of the sea so the golden fish could be her slave. The man asked for it but the fish made them poor again. That’s the short version of the fairy tail."

"Hi! Today is our last full day on the islands. Tomorrow we’re flying to Dubai where we’ll stay for a few days. It will be rather intense compared to the calm Maldivian life! But today let’s enjoy the Paradise!

So, I took Pinky to fish feeding with me.  Other times here we would go see it almost every day but this year my family (they admit it themselves) grew lazy and sit at home but I decided to go there with Pinky. She’s a nice company! The man mostly feeds rays (there are different kind of them that come here every evening to be fed), fish and crows. But sometimes there are ‘special guests’ at the feeding - reef sharks! We saw 3 of them today. You can see one on the photo. The feeding lasts very short time, unfortunately... and there are little pictures with Pinky because I was afraid she would fall into the ocean so I kept her with me on the pier. 

Now we’re at the bar drinking iced coffee with vanilla ice cream and caramel. It’s so delicious! Pinky would love to try one with hazel syrup. Maybe we’ll be able to do it tomorrow cause now we’re full and don’t have much place for another drink! :)"


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