Ivan and Masha in Ottawa-Gatineau - Exploring the Sentier des voyageurs - July 25th 2020
Saturday July 25th was a beautiful day, so the host decided to take Ivan and Masha on a bike ride to explore the Sentier des voyageurs (Travellers Pathway), that runs along the Ottawa River, on Gatineau's side. They ended up travelling 20 km in total (both ways)! It was the longest ride that the host had been on since she buying her new bike! :-) On the way over to the Sentier des voyageurs, the host showed Ivan and Masha the ruisseau de la Brasserie (Brewery Creek - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruisseau_de_la_Brasserie ) as well as the pont de la Tour Eiffel (Tour Eiffel bridge - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tour_Eiffel_Bridge ). They also stopped to watch the wild birds : At the start of the Sentier des voyageurs : Strange looking tent-like sculptures: The Champlain bridge, one of half a dozen bridges that connect Ottawa and Gatineau: The host decided...